It would certainly be easier to maintain a 2.2-proxy branch, with the
intent of it actually being folded *into* 2.2, if the branch used the
same dir structure as trunk, that is, a separate directory that includes
the balancer methods (as well as the config magic associated with it).

However, if that will be a impediment to actually *getting* these
backports into 2.2, then I'm willing to keep the old structure...

So my question is: if to be able to easily backport the various trunk
proxy improvements into 2.2, we also need to backport the dir
structure as well, is that OK? I don't want to work down that
path only to have it wasted work because people think that such a
directory restructure doesn't make sense within a 2.2.x release.

PS: NO, I am not considering this for 2.2.12! :)

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