In r814006 and r814017 I added a feature similar to Action ... virtual
in CGI to mod_fcgi:

By default it is off, but it allows to use FCGI processes in combination
with purely virtual URLs, i.e. URLs not pointing to physical files on
the server.

The most basic FCGI configurations simply run the files pointed to by
the URLs as FCGI processes. The improved version is mapping some
suffixes to a common FCGI process (like .php). The process then might
execute the actual php script (or find it in its cache).

Its quite possible though, that your URLs only logically transport the
kind of action you want, without really pointing to some file. Version
2.3.1 of mod_fcgid forces a file to exist, otherwise it returns an error.

The "virtual" feature allows to add the "virtual" flag to FCGIWrapper,
which then bypasses the file existence check for the request URL. Of
course we still need the wraper file the request gets mapped to via

This is very similar to the "virtual" keyword added to "Action".



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