William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

If I had to speculate; somehow the permissions that my login are SUPPOSED
to be setting (even for scp) were not, and yesterday I chmod'ed those files
to be 664 perms.  The files were then mirrored.

I will hazard a guess that you didn't follow up on my post Graham, and fix your
umask, and the permissions of the files you had touched, and that the mirroring
system isn't permitting those files to be synced without proper perms and 
(group httpd).

I did follow up on the post, and fixed the permissions on the files, but was busy late this afternoon and so wasn't able to see if the changes had made any effect. Looking now (about 10 hours later), it seems the changes haven't made any effect.

I would feel a lot better if this process was documented somewhere, so I didn't have to sit and guess what stupid thing I had missed, and not knowing what I'd missed, not be in a position to fix it.

Or alternatively, a quick message to say "we're up to our eyeballs in ddos, please hold we'll back get to you".


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