
So when Apache is compiled with openssl 0.9.8l, TLS renegotiation will be fully disabled.

But the problem with that if that some comments of the discussion inside https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=39243 are true, this change will unexpectedly break very badly a *lot* of sites.

Those comments suggest Apache currently requests TLS renegotiation in quite a few cases where it should not be needed, and where it won't be expected.

First there's the short SSLSessionCacheTimeout problem :

In my understanding, SSLSessionCacheTimeout should never cause renegociation. If the client tries to do a SSL session resume, and the server does not have the SSL info for that SSL id anymore, the result is a brand new SSL Session, *not* a SSL renegotiation.

If they actually are resumes caused by SSLSessionCacheTimeout, then it seems SSLSessionCacheTimeout times out sessions that are currently active at the TCP level, and where the user is just trying to send more data. Or there's a bug in the resume code that first says yes, then finds the session id should have been timed out, so forces a renegotiation. Anyway, this means this was already broken in some way before, but it used to be of little consequences and will now be a huge problem.

Second there's the SSLVerifyClient optional problem :

When SSLVerifyClient optional is actually used to allow various authentication level, it's expected that the change will break the site.

But what this comment report is that simply having SSLVerifyClient optional set, not having any different value anywhere, not even *using* client certificates, will cause renegotiation to happen and therefore sites to break when TLS renegotiation is disabled. And Peter Gutmann just reported on oss-sec that they are many servers configured like this (see http://seclists.org/oss-sec/2009/q4/138 ) with their admin not even knowing that they require client certificates.

According to the following comment, it might be that a very simple patch would correct this problems :
(I've checked the svn code for apache 2.2.x, that piece of code is still exactly the same, but I don't understand enough to be sure that just handling the "optional" case in addition to the "none" case would really be enough to solve the problem)

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