
I've noticed that all versions of apache (1.3 to 2.2) will produce
error log output like this,

[Mon Jan  1 00:00:00 2009] [notice] child pid 12345 exit signal Segmentation 
fault (11)

In the case of a segmentation fault or anything that produces a core
dump this is a relatively serious error but it's only marked at notice
level due to setting of APLOG_NOTICE in the code.

I had a look in latest trunk version and i see
ap_process_child_status() has moved into mpm_unix.c but no changes wrt
this logging from the default: case.


Should this be increased in severity?  APLOG_ERR?

I can see the benefit for anyone grep'ing for or automatically
scanning/processing logs for unexpected conditions based on the
[severity] tag. The core dumps might be more severe because of their
ability to consume large amounts of disk space, particularly for folk
using unique core names.



Kevin J Walters                      Morgan Stanley
k...@ms.com                           25 Cabot Square
Tel: 020 7425 7886                   Canary Wharf
Fax: 020 7056 6401                   London E14 4QA

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