A while back I had the idea that Lua would be a great scripting
language for web servers. I checked Google, and several pages
mentioned a recently developed Apache httpd module that does just
that. However, even months later, all a search finds is a couple blogs
and sites talking about "the next version", many 404s, and a little
discussion about the history/future of this module and how cool it's
going to be. There are a few different "home pages" and "official"
trackers which were last updated years ago; broken, run-down ghost
towns of sites. Nothing on Apache's site at all.
My question is, where is it? What's happened? I wanted to get involved
in its development, but I can't find it! Only these old run-down sites
hosting 3-year-old Win32 binaries. Has the project been abandoned?

Sent from my toaster.

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