On 15.06.2010 23:09, William A. Rowe Jr. wrote:
As a broad general question - why not equivalent number of MaxClients
across all MPMs?

I was uncertain about that. Users often tend to try to fix performance problems by adding concurrency to the web server. If your web server is configured very tight, then this will help. But if you actually have a throughput problem (slow backends, network etc.), then allowing even more concurrency will make things worse.

So I wanted to stick away from sizing to what's possible and stay closer to what's reasonable. Concerning Unix my gut feeling was that 256 processes (prefork) and 16x25=400 threads doesn't put much pressure on system resources of modern entry servers. I raised the MaxClients for the threaded MPMs, because I expect them to be a bit cheaper. But no strong opinion here about the best numbers. Keeping MaxClients in sync would make the MPMs better comparable out of the box, but on the other hand precisely this type of comparison might not make much sense.

On 6/15/2010 4:03 PM, Rainer Jung wrote:
The default configuration for various MPMs
differs from the example configuration file

Before bringing those two in sync, I want
to propose the values we want to use as new
defaults as well as for the extras configuration

=======            conf  default   proposed
StartServers          5        5          5
MinSpareServers       5        5          3
MaxSpareServers      10       10         15
MaxClients          150      256        256
MaxRequestsPerChild   0    10000          0

This seems bursty - can't we raise MaxSpare to at least 50?

Right, we should in order to prevent continuous forking and dying.

============       conf  default   proposed
StartServers          2        3          2
MinSpareThreads      25       75         25
MaxSpareThreads      75      250        100
MaxClients          150      400        400
ThreadsPerChild      25       25         25
MaxRequestsPerChild   0    10000          0

If threaded, and stable, why not some 50 or 100 threads per child?

OK, especially since for Event I think that there is a problem of correctly balancing load between child processes. For worker it is clear, when a child is saturated, i.e. when each thread has a connection.

For event it's quite possible, that the idleness of worker threads fluctuates. So bigger thread pools (per process) might reduce risk of starvation.

======             conf  default   proposed
SimpleProcCount       5        5          5?
SimpleThreadCount     5        5          5?

=====              conf  default   proposed
ThreadsPerChild     150       64        150
MaxRequestsPerChild   0        0          0


ThreadStackSize could probably be cut to 128k default (256k 

Only the Netware MPM uses a thread stack size different from the OS default at the moment (OK, Windows uses hard-coded 65536 for the service thread and a stderr_thread but not for the worker threads). So do we want to now switch over to an httpd specific value or should we stick with system default?

=======            conf  default   proposed
StartThreads        250       50         50
MinSpareThreads      25       10         25
MaxSpareThreads     250      100        100
MaxThreads         1000     2048       1000
MaxRequestsPerChild   0        0          0
ThreadStackSize   65536    65536      65536
MaxMemFree          100        0          - (remove)

ThreadStackSize seems a bit dicey, would rather see 128k default.

Because it is the only MPM with non system default used, I wondered whether there's a bit of history behind that value.

===                conf  default   proposed
StartServers          2        2          2
MinSpareThreads       5        5          5
MaxSpareThreads      10       10         20
MaxRequestsPerChild   0    10000          0


i read the code like this: number of threads per child is dynamic. Maximum is not configurable but instead defined by HARD_THREAD_LIMIT, which is set to 256 in the MPM source.


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