Quite some time ago, one of my colleagues started the following thread:


There was some discussion around the Windows utf-8 codepage and it's
relationship to the local codepage.  Here's Bill Rowe's comment on that:

I think I finally understand it, and at the same time I don't understand
it :).
I've been playing with this recently trying to get this to work, and I
found that if I set the system locale to the same language as the UTF-8
encoded character in LDAP is from it works.  Which makes sense.  The
code page for the system language contains a mapping for the UTF-8

I don't even pretend to understand Windows and/or encoding enough to
truly get this limitation, but is it just some microsoft-ism that limits
UTF-8 character mapping to the default code page?

Does this mean that if you needed to support DNs with multiple languages
that are not all included on a single Windows codepage (that's
associated to a specific language locale) that this would not be
possible on Windows?

Am I even making sense?


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