>Do you need the first entry to determine which request may have caused httpd 
>crash or is there a different reason?

Mod_log_forensics writes the log record as soon as it is received. 
Mod_log_config writes the log record after the response is available. I don´t 
want to miss information about any request. Its  important to identify 
all incoming requests, no matter if they fail or succeed.

I would like to trace them having a small log record from the incoming 
requests. Useful to determine which request may have caused httpd to crash, as 
you  mentioned, and to have 100% guarantee that all incoming requests were 
logged before Apache started processing it.

Does mod_log_config always writes a log record for all incoming requests, no 
matter where or when they failed in the processing chain? If this is the case, 
mod_log_config provides the %D format to determine when the incoming request 
received and it seems the current mod_log_config record would provide the 
information I need.


From: Stefan Fritsch <....@sfritsch.de>
To: Sergio Junqueira <....@yahoo.com>
Cc: dev@httpd.apache.org
Sent: Sun, September 12, 2010 7:18:07  AM
Subject: Re: Apache logging

On Fri, 10 Sep 2010, Sergio Junqueira wrote:

> I have a suggestion for the developers of Apache related to mod_log_config or
> mod_log_forensics:
> 1) To allow mod_log_config to write the log file with a first log entry with
> basic information about the request before it's processed further (that is,
> after receiving the headers). The second log entry (the current logging 
> would be written after the request processing. A "log ID", just like the
> "forensic ID", should be available on both entries.
> 2)- Or to allow mod_log_forensic to be configured not to write all headers to
> disk. For instance, we should be able to configure it just like we do with
> LogFormat on mod_log_config. Or at least allow us to choose to write just the
> 1st request line, without all the headers.

I think 2) would be a reasonable feature request for mod_log_forensic and  
be easy to implement. However, I am interested about your actual use case. Do 
you need the first entry to determine which request may have caused httpd to 
crash or is there a different reason?

If you are generally interested in better logging in httpd, you may want to 
and possibly comment about some new features in 2.3/2.4:




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