On 25 Jun 2011, at 11:24 PM, Stefan Fritsch wrote:

This is not so, to fix this, you would need to wrap every single
LDAP API function call[1] in an optional function, and if you did
that, you would solve the problem that caused you to want to
remove apr_ldap from APR in the first place, making the whole
exercise pointless - you may as well just have fixed apr-ldap in

No, that is not correct. You only need to wrap all ap_ldap_* calls and
make the depending modules (mod_authnz_ldap, mod_vhost_ldap, ...) link
to the ldap libraries themselves.

This is one of the key reasons that got apr_ldap evicted from APR in the first place.

If the API is not good enough for APR, then the API is not good enough for httpd. We must fix this problem, not shift it around.

Moving the ldap_init code from mod_ldap into apr with httpd 2.2.x
broke support for Solaris LDAP (PR 42682), which is a regression from
2.0.x. Fixing that would require changes both in mod_ldap and in apr-
ldap. It says a lot that mod_ldap in 2.2.x does not use
apr_ldap_init() in the way it is recommended in the documentation
(setting secure if ldaps is wanted without client certificates).
Because if it did, it would not work, because the apr_ldap code is

Looking at this, the fix involves teaching mod_ldap to pass the correct parameter to apr_ldap_ssl_init(), it doesn't require a change to the API that I can see.

The long term fix is to hide the LDAP structure within something like apr_ldap_t, and then lazy init when necessary. This is why apr_ldap_ssl_init() is marked deprecated in v1.x.

To address the comment in the PR about only supporting openssl, we support the following distinct LDAP toolkits across a myriad of platforms:

- OpenLDAP
- Solaris
- Novell
- Microsoft
- Netscape
- Mozilla
- Tivoli
- z/OS

Do we still work after the API was moved? For MacOSX at least, no, for the others, particularly many of the smaller platforms, probably not.

Doing these changes in APR 1.x in a way that does not break an
unmodified 2.2.x mod_ldap with some LDAP library is next to
impossible. So moving the apr_ldap stuff as ap_ldap into httpd and
therefore making it possible to change the API is an advantage.

That's incorrect, it's not possible to change the API - when we release httpd v2.4.0, that's the API baked, and you don't get a chance fix this.

It is not fair on end users who have waited ages for httpd v2.4.0 to suddenly force them to wait even longer while we fix the APIs in APR. It is even worse to expect end users to deal with problems caused by APIs dumped in at the last minute without a proper stabilisation process before we make a major release.


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