On 04.07.2011 16:55, Steffen wrote:
> Can some tell me how now to configure SSLSessionCache: 'shm'
> In the shipped ssl.conf the following line is there:
> SSLSessionCache        "shmcb:c:/Apache23/logs/ssl_scache(512000)"
> But that does not work, get the error:
> SSLSessionCache: 'shm' session cache not supported (known names: )
> The docu says:
> mod_ssl  can now be configured to share SSL Session data between servers
> through memcached
> But I have no clue, how to do that.

Did you build and LoadModule mod_socache_shmcb?

In 2.3 you need to provide the socache module which you configured to be
used for SSLSessionCache.



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