On Mon, 2011-09-12 at 15:01 -0700, Luke Meyer wrote:

> > From: Noel Butler [mailto:noel.but...@ausics.net] 
> > The last thing that needs to be done is make announcement when the mirrors 
> > may not have synced, hence Bill's 24 hr mirror clock update time allowance 
> > comment, have patience.
> I think the mirrors have synced on 2.2.20 long ago. Also is there any reason 
> updates to the advisory haven't been announced? E.g. to tell folks not to 
> worry about 1.3? Not making any demands here, just a little mystified at what 
> to expect from announce@ if not these things.

because 2.2.21 is being synced out right now.
Wait until it's announced within next 24 hours.

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