On Mon, Dec 26, 2011 at 12:17 PM, Michael Felt <mamf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am getting back to doing "recent" ports to AIX 5.3+ and am running into
> various minor issues. I do not wish to call any of them a "bug",
> but would like to discuss the best approach to get some modifications w
>> cc: 1501-228 input file /var/apache2/lib/libexpat.a not found
>> cc: 1501-228 input file /var/apache2/lib/libapr-1.so not found
>> libtool: install: error: relink `libaprutil-1.la' with the above command

FWIW, here's the crude way I work around this on AIX w/ DESTDIR

# AIX/HPUX-parisc: When libtool is relinking libaprutil for install,
# it tries to pass $libdir/foo.la for expat and apr, because the .la
files think they've been installed
# without the DESTDIR prepended to them. The change below changes the
linkage to look like non-libtool for expat
# and excludes the linkage for apr

if ($^O eq "aix") {
    if ($destdir) {
        $rc = run_cmd("perl -p -i.orig -e  \"s#[^
]+libexpat.la#-L$curdir/srclib/apr-util/xml/expat/lib/ -lexpat#" .
                      " ; s#[^ ]+libapr-1.la##;\" "  .
                      "$curdir/srclib/apr-util/Makefile" , $logfile, 1);
        exit_and_log($rc, $logfile, "APRUTIL_LIBS replace failed ") if
($rc != 0);

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