> Can anyone more familiar with the code verify this? Steffen, maybe you
> can try the change and see if it helps?

I think there are a few additional wrinkles -- I couldn't repro after
this but no confident about what's right with the addr handling:


<virtualhost *:80>
  RewriteEngine on
  RewriteRule ^/a http://localhost:81/a [P]
  RewriteRule ^/b http://localhost:82/b [P]
<virtualhost *:81>
  AliasMatch ^/a$ /home/covener/SRC/httpd-trunk/built/icons/a.gif
<virtualhost *:82>
  AliasMatch ^/b$ /home/covener/SRC/httpd-trunk/built/icons/a.gif

Before any patch, as simple as a/b fails. The worker->cp->addr copy
issue fails with something like a/b/b.

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