Am 08.01.2012 17:20, schrieb Jim Jagielski:
How much is "entirely"?

Do the>80char lines in ap_listen.h, ap_mmn.h, ap_mpm.h, ap_provider.h,
ap_regex.h, ap_regkey.h, ap_slotmem.h, http_core.h, http_protocol,h,
etc etc etc etc also constitute a rating of "entirely"?

I'd look for more, but my time is better spent fixing things that
I find need-to-be-fixed rather than just pointing them out...
on the other side: I've asked me already often if we shouldnt increase the maxchar/line; I believe that would in many cases greatly increase readability ...
and honestly: who the heck does nowadays work on a 80-line terminal??
isnt that a relic inherited from stone-time? I would be fine with f.e. 110 or 120 chars/line.


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