On Wed, 2012-01-18 at 14:12 +0200, Graham Leggett wrote:

> > This never was a problem in 2.2, if one disabled dav it was disabled, as it 
> > should be disabled, fully, not only in parts, here and there, granted it's 
> > now changed because modules are no longer defaulted to statically built, 
> > but plenty of admins will use this method, I also favour it (heh, obviously 
> > since I found it), so if the option to revert to old method is offered as 
> > it is via --enable-mods-static=all, then if someone disables a specific mod 
> > like dav (which some security type scanners suggest), it should be fully 
> > disabled and the build should succeed.
> This was and still is a problem in v2.2 for mod_proxy, and a number of other 
> modules. If you turn mod_proxy off, you'll have the build fail caused by 
> mod_proxy_http and friends. I looked at fixing this recently and discovered 
> this was a massive job, one for the timescales given by v2.6, not v2.4.
> What modules should be doing is using the optional functions API, and 
> changing this requires an MMN bump, so cannot be done during the lifetime of 
> v2.4. While unfortunate, this isn't a showstopper.

Regardless, if it did not fail a build in 2.2, it should not fail a
build on 2.4
Therefore I regard this as a serious bug, as for a show stopper, I have
no say on that, but I know what I'd be marking it as.


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