With the voting ending, I see the following results:

  +1 (binding): jorton, sf, kbrand, rjung, minfrin, jim
  +1 (non-binding): Noel Butler, Steffen, mturk, Gregg Smith, Mario Bland,

As such, I call the vote as PASSING and that httpd 2.4.1 will
be released as GA.

I will move the tarballs over to dist so the mirrors have the
weekend to sync up. I expect to announce the release
next week, complimented with a PR as well.

Thanks to ALL developers, users, testers, etc... This is truly
another milestone in the httpd history and my deep thanks and
congratulations go to all who helped make it happen!!
On Feb 13, 2012, at 8:56 AM, Jim Jagielski wrote:

> The 2.4.1 (candidate) tarballs are available for download and test:
>       http://httpd.apache.org/dev/dist/
> I'm calling a VOTE on releasing these as Apache httpd 2.4.1 GA.
> NOTE: The -deps tarballs are included here *only* to make life
> easier for the tester. They will not be, and are not, part
> of the official release.
>  [ ] +1: Good to go
>  [ ] +0: meh
>  [ ] -1: Danger Will Robinson. And why.
> Vote will last the normal 72 hrs.

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