On 05 Mar 2012, at 8:14 PM, William A. Rowe Jr. wrote:

> This vote has another 15 hours to run.  I'm personally -0 for adopting
> this module at all, it seems to run afoul of some design considerations
> that have excluded other modules in the past, such as mod_macro, from
> becoming part of httpd.  That there are multiple static resources to
> be presented as single static resources seems computationally intensive
> and not the core webserver's task to handle, and an excuse for poor site
> and app design.

This module solves a niche problem in complex website configurations, where a 
particular page might be made of tens of subprojects, with independent release 
cycles released by independent teams. The module combines multiple small css 
and javascript files into a single download, but without the penalty of losing 
support for conditional requests, and without amplifying a denial of service if 
a specific file is missing for whatever reason.

> I would join Jim in supporting mod_combine as a subproject, external
> to httpd trunk, for now.

I agree, +1.

>>  [X] Option 2: adopt only as subproject


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