On Mar 21, 2012, at 8:39 AM, Reindl Harald wrote:

> Am 17.03.2012 10:24, schrieb Roy T. Fielding:
>> On Mar 16, 2012, at 7:18 AM, Eric Covener wrote:
>>> We still enable TRACE by default.
>>> Is this useful enough to justify making every other poor sap with a
>>> security scanner have to manually turn it off?
>> Yes.
>>> I'm hoping 2.4.x is early enough in life where flipping this wouldn't
>>> be too astonishing.
>> I don't change protocols based on fool security researchers and their
>> failure to correctly direct security reports.  TRACE is not a vulnerability.
> 1 out of a million servers needs TRACE enabled
> it was ALWAYS a good idea to disable ANYTHING by default
> what is not really needed and this principle will stay

If admin's want that, then they can set that up. But there's
no reason for the default to be something that isn't warranted.

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