
I'd like to insert a request in the middle of another one.

    request ------> httpd(proxy mode) ---------> web site
should become
request ------> httpd(receive) --> external request --> httpd(send) ---------> web site

I obviously need to send my external request based on the received request and modify it before proxying it based on the output of my external request - otherwise it would be too simple ;-)

What would be the best approach?
I can write a module to send an external HTTP request, that's not a big issue. I can get all info from the originating request in httpd structures, that's rather easy. However, do I have any facilities to send/receive the HTTP external request? I can send it with bare buckets, but I would need manually parse the result; this would be heavy. Is there any easier way (like using mod_proxy) to get some higher level access to the result headers (for instance)?



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