On 11/14/2012 3:56 AM, Guenter Knauf wrote:
Am 14.11.2012 12:53, schrieb Guenter Knauf:
I know that Gregg has 'something' which is not MSI but an EXE installer,
but it works, and I asked already a while back if we should push this
out, but there was no further interest / agreement here :-(

Gregg, can you perhaps put up at p.a.o what you have so far so that
others can take a look and test?
oh, and please also post a summarize of what we discussed about default location (system drive root vs 'Program Files') because of the right issues with Vista and up ...
The 'something' is Inno Setup.
'works' is relative to as much is completed so far.

I had to put this on hold for a few weeks for real life. I should get back to working on it soon.


Program Files vs. drive root

PF pros
everything in there is protected from users other than admin
PF cons
everything in there is protected from users other than admin which
In Vista/7/8 the administrator account is disabled but you can run things as admin if your user has admin privileges. mostly causes problems with configuring and seeing any changes in htdocs (because they really go to the virtual store)
pid file and logs cannot be written in some cases.

Drive Root cons/pros depending on the use case
nothing in there is protected from users other than admin
anyone can configure
anyone can modify htdocs
anyone can start apache at the console (unless mod_auth_digest or mod_slotmem_shm are loaded [only tested in Vista]) the Apache service can run as a user other than SYSTEM (which allows Apache to use file shares) and Apache can be locked down to only read, read/write in certain areas of the hard drive (jailed)

That's the quickest summary I can give on that.


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