On 2013-03-20 11:16, Nick Kew wrote:

On 20 Mar 2013, at 03:47, Chris Darroch wrote:

Hi --

  I notice we have the .wmz and .sub file extentions each defined twice
in trunk mime.types:

.wmz: application/x-msmetafile, application/x-ms-wmz

Couldn't tell you how those arise.  Should we really include
any non-registered types (x-foo) other than as commented lines
indicating what a sysop might want to support?

.sub: text/vnd.dvb.subtitle, image/vnd.dvb.subtitle

Bizarrely, both appear to be correct:


Anyone here active with IANA?  Looks like their mess!

That's per se not a problem (the same type and have multiple names, and file extension uniqueness is not enforced).

But what's weird is that the referenced spec doesn't even mention these types.

Best regards, Julian

PS: yes, emailed IANA.

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