On 3 mei 2013, at 10:55, Marian Marinov <m...@yuhu.biz> wrote:
> If Apache by default delays 404s, this may have some effect in the first 
> month or two after the release of this change. But then the the botnet 
> writers will learn and update their software.
> I do believe that these guys are monitoring mailing lists like these or at 
> least reading the change logs of the most popular web servers.
> So, I believe that such change would have a very limited impact on the whole 
> Internet or at least will be combated fairly easy.

FWIIW - the same sentiments where expressed when 'greylisting[1]' in SMTP came 
in vogue. For small relays (speaking just from personal experience and from the 
vantage of my own private tiny MTA's) that has however not been the case. 
Greylisting did dampen things significantly - and the effect lasts to this day.

But agreed - I think it is important to deal with this issue differently that 
with the overload issue.


1: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greylisting

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