On 11 Jun 2013, at 1:08 PM, Christophe JAILLET <christophe.jail...@wanadoo.fr> 

>> +  *) proxy_util: NULL terminate the right buffer in 'send_http_connect'.
>> +     [Christophe Jaillet]
>> +
>>   *) mod_remoteip: close file in error path. [Christophe Jaillet]
>>     *) mod_lua: Sync 2.4 branch with trunk. This includes (but is not 
>> limited to)
> Is this entry really useful ?
> If it worth mentioning it, at least the wording should be improved. IMO, just 
> remove it.

Yes, it is useful - if someone has deployed a new version, and suddenly that 
version doesn't work properly, they need a list of things that have changed 
between the old version and the new version for them to check as possible 

If we arbitrarily leave messages off we risk the wrath of an administrator who 
believes the changelog they are looking at is complete, but arbitrarily isn't.


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