On Tue, Jul 09, 2013 at 08:38:50AM -0400, Jeff Trawick wrote:
>> > +    +0.5: jj: I would prefer if this sat in trunk for a few months first
>> OT and maybe a dumb question, but if something got two +1's and two
>> +0.5's, would it be considered approved or not?
> Perhaps the ITK guy could test the interface and report back.  That, not
> time, is what we need.  I'll look for the right thread.

Is this interface changed or not? If it's a backport of what's in trunk
(r1389339), it's essentially what the 2.4.x branch of mpm-itk already uses.
If not, I'll need to change the code to use the new hook, and then re-test
(testing this is a bit icky).

/* Steinar */
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