Hi all,

I have just tripped over a case where mod_auth_form has been configured to do 
inline login. What is supposed to happen is that on successful parsing of the 
POST of the login form, we do an internal redirect to turn the request back 
into a GET (or whatever method the original form wanted to achieve):

1043            if (sent_method && strcmp(r->method, sent_method)) {
(gdb) print sent_method
$5 = 0x1011107b8 "GET"
(gdb) next
1044                r->handler = FORM_REDIRECT_HANDLER;

Later on we reach the form redirect handler, but at this point r->handler has 
been blown away and now contains a mime type:

Breakpoint 2, authenticate_form_redirect_handler (r=0x10110a508) at 
1262        request_rec *rr = NULL;
(gdb) next
1263        const char *sent_method = NULL, *sent_mimetype = NULL;
1265        if (strcmp(r->handler, FORM_REDIRECT_HANDLER)) {
1266            return DECLINED;
(gdb) print r->handler
$6 = 0x1010c5588 "text/html"

Does anyone know offhand where I should be looking for something that sets a 
mime type? It seems that something is setting the handler without checking 
first to see if the handler has been set already, and this breaks form login.


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