Graham Leggett wrote:

> I am currently struggling to turn mod_dav on. In theory, it is just
> "Dav on", but in practice I am getting a 405 Method Not Allowed
> in response to PROPFIND

   By any chance, are you using 2.4.x/trunk and do you have mod_dir
included in the build?  I have a patch for a regression in 2.4.x/trunk
where mod_dir "hijacks" PROPFIND and triggers a 405.  Try taking mod_dir
out and see if that helps; if so, let me know and I'll endeavour to get
my patch into trunk pronto.

   In fact, I have a long list of mod_dav patches in a queue, waiting
for some spare time (ha ha).  More seriously, I'm waiting to debug a
memory consumption issue first, and then I'll try to start pushing them
into trunk.


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