On 13.06.2014 16:55, Rainer Jung wrote:
> Now since a long time most clients do no longer rely on the server
> caching the sessions. Instead they use TLS session resumption (RFC
> 5077).

"without server-side state"/"stateless" is actually the important term
from this RFC (session resumption is a standard protocol feature).

> Currently mod_ssl does not provide a way to control the time how long
> such a ticket may be used by the client. As far as I can see, there is
> no specific API in OpenSSL for that, but there is a general API allowing
> to set a session timeout that is checked whenever a session is
> reconstructed.

What OpenSSL function do you have in mind? SSL_SESSION_set_timeout?
AFAICT, t1_lib.c:tls_decrypt_ticket simply restores the (relative)
timeout for the SSL_SESSION, which is set to 5 minutes by default... but
if I'm understanding correctly, you are concerned about clients reusing
"old" tickets, is that correct? (If so, then I guess there's currently
no other way than switching to a new ticket encryption key, see also [1]).



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