Another consideration: We now have the "idea" of a master
and slave connection, and maybe something there would
also help...

FWIW: I like using an empty bucket conceptually since it should
be ez and quick to check.
On Sep 8, 2014, at 2:53 PM, Ruediger Pluem <> wrote:

> Wouldn't it make more sense instead of using an empty brigade to create yet 
> another metabucket that signals write
> completion? It could also contain information how much data to send down the 
> chain for single filters if they e.g. send
> heap or transient buckets. Otherwise how should they know?
> If you have a filter that has a large file bucket set aside and it does 
> transform it e.g. to a heap bucket during it's
> processing because it changes data on it I guess it doesn't make sense if it 
> does send all stuff once it gets triggered
> for write completion as we would end up in a blocking write then in the core 
> filter. But if it knows how much is left in
> the core filter buffer it could try to just sent this and avoid thus blocking 
> writes. And if there is no room left in
> the buffer or if what is left is too small for the filter to operate on it, 
> the filter could just pass the bucket down
> the chain and if it would end up in the core output filter, the core output 
> filter would just try to write what it has
> buffered.
> Regards
> Rüdiger
> Jim Jagielski wrote:
>> Gotcha... +1
>> On Sep 8, 2014, at 11:29 AM, Graham Leggett <> wrote:
>>> On 08 Sep 2014, at 3:50 PM, Jim Jagielski <> wrote:
>>>> This is pretty cool... haven't played too much with it, but
>>>> via inspection I like the implementation.

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