Am 15.01.2015 um 21:10 schrieb Jim Jagielski:
The pre-release test tarballs for Apache httpd 2.4.11 can be found
at the usual place:

I'm calling a VOTE on releasing these as Apache httpd 2.4.11 GA.

[X] +1: Good to go
[ ] +0: meh
[ ] -1: Danger Will Robinson. And why.

+1 to release, thanks for RMing.

In short: No regressions found.

Detailed report:

- Sigs and hashes OK
- contents of tarballs identical
- contents of tag and tarballs identical
  except for expected deltas
  (we could cleanup some m4 files in apr-util/xml/expat/conftools
   at the end of buildconf, no regression)

Built on

- Solaris 8+10 Sparc as 32 Bit Binaries
- SLES 10+11 (64 Bits)
- RHEL 6 (64 Bits)

- with default (shared) and static modules
- with module sets none, few, most, all, reallyall and default
  (always mod_privileges disabled)
- using --enable-load-all-modules
- against "included" APR/APU from deps tarball,
  plus external APR/APU 1.5.1/1.5.4

- using external libraries
  - expat 2.1.0
  - pcre 8.36
  - openssl 1.0.1l
  - lua 5.2.3
  - distcache 1.5.1
  - libxml2 2.9.2

- Tool chain:
    - platform gcc except for Solaris
      (gcc 4.1.2 for Solaris 8 and 4.9.1 for Solaris 10)
    - CFLAGS: -O2 -g -Wall -fno-strict-aliasing
              (and -mpcu=v9 on Solaris)

All builds succeeded
  - three builds on RHEL had to be restarted due to crashes
    in the shell but that is not a regression and a platform problem
  - two harmless compiler warnings in modules/aaa/mod_authnz_fcgi.c
    Fixed now in r1652829 and proposed for 2.4

Tested for

- Solaris 8+10 (32), SLES 10+11 (64), RHEL 6 (64)
- MPMs prefork, worker, event (except for Solaris 8 - no event)
- default (shared) and static modules
- log levels info, debug and trace8
- module set reallyall (121 modules plus MPMs), "all", "most",
  "few", "none" and default

Some combinations still run, but out of the about 900 finished combinations until now, only the following test failures were seen:

a Test 4 and 5 in t/modules/dav.t:
  70 runs creation, modified and now times not in the correct order.
  This seems to be a system issue, all tests done on NFS,
  many tested on virtualized guests.
  Not a regression.

b Various tests in t/apache/expr_string.t: (3, 6, 11, 14, 20 ,23)
  76 runs failed this test, (all except for one on RHEL).
  The failure is always on line 68, where the error_log contents
  are checked.
  Not a regression.

c Tests t/modules/cgi.t testing contents of ScriptLog
  The tests fail for "reallyall" modules because then
  mod_cgi plus mod_cgid were loaded. In r1651085 logging for
  mod_cgi was fixed for some STDERR outputs but the test in cgi.t
  wasn't adjusted. So the tests fail whenever mod_cgi handles
  the test suite requests. On some of my systems that happened,
  on most of them mod_cgid came first.
  This was a test suite problem I hope to have fixed.
  We should though try to port the r1651085 enhancement
  from mod_cgi to mod_cgid as well (logging errors to ScriptLog
  instead of error log in more cases).



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