Le 21/04/2015 15:55, Jim Jagielski a écrit :
For comment: What do people think about adding the capability that
when httpd is started, it tries to access http://httpd.apache.org/doap.rdf
to check its version number with the latest one referred to in that
file and, if a newer one exists, it prints out a little message
in the error.log (or stderr)...

My 2 cents.

I don't really see the use to have such an info at start up. I would expect web server not to restart that often. As said elsewhere, I suppose that server version that are running are the ones from the distribution used. So most user will not care about new version. Moreover, in the case of a own build server, I expect that these users know what they do and where they can easily find information about the latest version, including sources in order to update.

in other words, I don't the use in real world, in any case.

However, other options could be: (going, from my point of view, from worst to better)

- Send at startup "some data" to a server, including email of someone. This remote server would store these data, make the check and send by email if an upgrade exists. Knowing the version of the remote web server when it was last started could be used to make regular check. In such a case we would also need to uniquely identify all theses web server. These "data" could also include loaded modules in order to have some information on what is most used. (if of any interest)

- Provide a service somewhere where users can register and define which apache foundation softwares (why limit to httpd?) they are running, define which version they are using. They would be notified by email when new version are released.

- Add options in mod_status to make the check. (where to check, how often (once a day, once a week...)) Each access to mod_status would this way display the latest version and if up-to-date

   - Only add a link in the page generated by mod_status.
This link could be by default something like : http://https.apache.org/check_version.lua?CurVersion=2.4.1 This would display a page which would check the differences between the running version and the current version or say that it is up-to-date

Best regards,

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