Am 29.09.2015 um 10:20 schrieb Reindl Harald:
is that by intention?

firefox refused to open our adminpanel with the error below until i
restarted httpd - i suggest the server should retry SSLUseStapling when
a new client connects and it has failed for whatever reason

SSLUseStapling On

An error occurred during a connection to *******:8443. The OCSP server
suggests trying again later. (Error code: sec_error_ocsp_try_server_later)

as long httpd behaves that way i suggest to re-consider if it's a good idea to use "SSLUseStapling On" as future default - i just disabled it everywhere because *any* of our https-sites using the same GoDaddy wildcard certificate where broken repeatly today with the same error message and after a "apachectl graceful" started to work again

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