Am 14.10.2015 um 14:58 schrieb Jim Jagielski:
The ASF is all about recognizing and rewarding merit. The whole
"Apache Way" started here, with this project, and httpd has always
been the sort of "guiding light" and example of how Apache projects
(should) work.

Inclusion of the HTTP/2 implementation for httpd, especially for
the 2.4.x branch, is a substantial feather in our cap. But we
would have been far behind the 8-ball if not for the funding by
the GSM Association on greenbytes GmbH's mod_h2 work, and for
the donation of that module to the ASF.

Once again, I'd like to thank them personally!

+1 and big thanks to Stefan and Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa.

Looking forward for early adopters experience!



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