On 10/21/2015 10:01 AM, Andy Wang wrote:

I will do that today.

And thank you to Rudiger and yourself, and everyone else on the thread
for all the help.

I missed the trailing 0x0a in the different wireshark captures.  I was
trusting wireshark's http dissection rather than looking at the raw hex
data and it didn't show the trailing \n.

I gotta go back to the basics and lean less on wireshark's
"intelligence" :)

Oh, and the plugin developer actually identified where the \n was coming
from and has resolved it on the client end.

I do have one question.  Any idea why this only occurs on Windows servers?

Tested with the patch and looks good.
I tried to recreate it using ncat and sending an extra \n but I'm not having luck. I see the extra byte on my pcap. Still curious what other conditions create this but oh well, at this point it's in my rear-view-mirror.

Thanks again for all the help and the solution.

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