On 09 Dec 2015, at 3:49 PM, Stefan Eissing <stefan.eiss...@greenbytes.de> wrote:

> For the next 2.4 release, I would like to add scoreboard support to mod_http2.
> There are several options for doing so and I would like your feedback on which
> route we should take. I try to outline what options I see:
> A) Make mod_http2 workers general MPM workers. They would then become
>   part of scoreboard without changes to the board itself.

It is the goal of the MPM to care about the architecture of the machine, and 
know about processes/threads/etc.

Option A is the only real option - we cannot allow the h2 stuff to mess up the 
clean separation between the architecture of each platform and the core of the 
server itself.


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