On Wed, Feb 3, 2016 at 6:31 AM, Joachim Achtzehnter <joac...@kraut.ca> wrote:
> Attached is file "ssl_log-v3.txt" with the log messages seen when using your
> v3 patch. The other two files are the corresponding Wireshark traces,
> collected on the client-side where Firefox was trying to retrieve the file.

Looks OK on the httpd side now with explicit flushes on write (during
handshake), but the issue seems to be on the client side now.

The "Encrypted Handshake Message" it uses to finalize its handshake
looks really weird, and it doesn't wait for the server to finalize the
handshake before sending the HTTP request (the complete handshake
response will only be read by the client when it expects the HTTP

I can't tell about the underlying HTTP data here, but I suspect there
is more than a single HTTP request sent by the client, which makes
httpd believe requests are pipelined, and hence never flush its output
until the client stops pipelining requests.
The client is now blocked waiting for the first response...

Before 2.4.18, since simply reading on the connection flushed the
output data on the server side, the client had its response while the
server was reading the second (pipelined) request.

I'd need more info to confirm (or invalidate) this, like LogLevel
trace8 (possibly privately, still).

> While exploring a final fix for this, can I ask for your opinion about the
> following work-around we currently rely on until there is an official fix.
> We continue to use Apache 2.4.18, but have replaced mod_ssl.so with the one
> from Apache 2.4.12. Is this likely to be safe? or do you not recommend
> mixing versions?

This looks "risky" to me, recompiling 2.4.18 with your original patch
is much better IMHO.


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