Am 05.02.2016 um 12:14 schrieb NormW:
G/E 9.51pm in Oz
Updated http-trunk (last mod_proxy.h by Yann) and now get the following:

Building D:/Projects/svn/httpd-trunk/modules/proxy
Calling NWGNUproxy
GEN  obj_release/proxy_cc.opt
CC   mod_proxy.c
CC   proxy_util.c
CC   ../arch/netware/libprews.c
GEN  obj_release/proxy_link.opt
LINK obj_release/proxy.nlm
### mwldnlm Linker Error:
#   Undefined symbol: ap_proxy_connect_uds in
#   Export list
### mwldnlm Linker Error:
#   Undefined symbol: proxy_hook_create_req in
#   Export list
### mwldnlm Linker Error:
#   Undefined symbol: proxy_hook_detach_backend in
#   Export list
### mwldnlm Linker Error:
#   Undefined symbol: proxy_hook_fixups in
#   Export list
### mwldnlm Linker Error:
#   Undefined symbol: proxy_hook_get_create_req in
#   Export list
### mwldnlm Linker Error:
#   Undefined symbol: proxy_hook_get_detach_backend in
#   Export list
### mwldnlm Linker Error:
#   Undefined symbol: proxy_hook_get_fixups in
#   Export list
### mwldnlm Linker Error:
#   Undefined symbol: proxy_hook_get_request_status in
#   Export list
### mwldnlm Linker Error:
#   Undefined symbol: proxy_hook_request_status in
#   Export list

Errors caused tool to abort.
The error 'Export list says it is in the .imp file to be exported, but
the symbol can't be found. In proxy_util.c this function is preceeded by:
/* TODO: In APR 2.x: Extend apr_sockaddr_t to possibly be a path !!! */
PROXY_DECLARE(apr_status_t) ap_proxy_connect_uds(apr_socket_t *sock,
                                                 const char *uds_path,
                                                 apr_pool_t *p)
In NetWare's case APR_HAVE_SYS_UN_H is 0. The major use of sys/un.h is
(AFAIK) defines for (IIRC) Unix sockets, which NetWare never got, but a
very abbreviated sys/un.h does exist - Novell never got around to
supporting all the features, so it's disabled in APR.

OK, understood. In this case I found it best to ad a stub impl for platforms which don't support sys/un.h.

The proxy_* symbols not found are (IIRC) due to assumptions made in the
awk script that are needed to work for the server proper (ie if one
symbol is found assume others also present), but that assumption doesn't
work in proxy....

I found a difference between the proxy hooks for which all three symbols, proxy_hook_xxx, proxy_hook_get_xxx and proxy_run_xxx exist, and those which do only have the run symbol. I then added a marker macro to mod_proxy.h to allow the awk script to distinguish between them.

Can you please try again? I'm confident we won't have many more iterations in front of us.



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