There were two changes to mod_speling in trunk in 2013/2014. They were motivated by PR 44221: although the docs claim that using "CheckCaseOnly On" "limits the action of the spelling correction to lower/upper case changes. Other potential corrections are not performed." In fact mod_speling still checks for content files which only differ in the file name suffix form the request URI. That part of the code was contained in an #ifdef but active by default. The changes introduce a new directive that allows to control that part of the behavior by configuration.

Now the question: it seems to me that due to the change being done in two steps, now the directive CheckCaseOnly and the new one CheckBasenameMatch are not independent of each other. Setting CheckBasenameMatch to "On" only enables the suffix handling if CheckCaseOnly if "Off". For improved compatibility and for better orthogonality I would suggest to keep the features separate from each other, ie.:

Index: modules/mappers/mod_speling.c
--- modules/mappers/mod_speling.c       (revision 1731929)
+++ modules/mappers/mod_speling.c       (working copy)
@@ -326,8 +326,7 @@
          * because it won't find anything matching that spelling.
          * With the extension-munging, it would locate "foobar.html".
-        else if ((cfg->check_case_only == 0) &&
-                 (cfg->check_basename_match == 1)) {
+        else if (cfg->check_basename_match == 1) {
* Okay... we didn't find anything. Now we take out the hard-core * power tools. There are several cases here. Someone might have

That way the old changes could be ported back to 2.4 with the only change that the default for CheckBasenameMatch would be "On" in 2.4 for compatibility reasons and "Off" in trunk to satisfy the principle of least surprise.



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