On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 5:05 PM, Yann Ylavic <ylavic....@gmail.com> wrote:
> So we need to detect whether the 304 is a CGI Status or ours.
> It seems that in the former case r->status is 304, whereas in the
> latter case this is the local variable 'status' only.
> We could possibly set "cgi_status = r->status" in mod_proxy_fcgi and
> bail out if anything is read but AP_FCGI_END_REQUEST when cgi_status
> == [23]04.
> Otherwise let ignore_body suck up the response body (if any) so that
> the connection can be reused if all goes well until the next request.

Actually, unless we want to check/enforce that a Status 304 (as
opposed to a 304 set by ap_meets_conditions) is not followed by a
body, the correct behaviour is probably just to revert this commit

We already ignore the body (when we ought to) until
AP_FCGI_END_REQUEST, and I see no reason to close the connection
underneath the backend if we turn a 200 to a 304, this connection can
even be reused if all goes well.

Enforcing that Status 204/304 has no body is not part of this bugfix I guess...

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