On Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 11:54 AM, Jim Jagielski <j...@jagunet.com> wrote:

> I'm thinking about adding JSON support to mod_status...
> the "plain" version output really stinks and lacks parity
> w/ the info we provide via HTML, and it would be nice
> to produce a really easily parseable format.
> Thoughts...?

It's right here...


I'd brought this to the PMC's attention to see if there were sufficient
maintainers and interested parties. In short, the original author was
our own Bannert.

In short, Pivotal is offering this to the HTTPD project under AL 2.0
(as it's already licensed).

Right now, jfclere and I are the only two really looking at the code,
although it has many commercial adopters (the preferred httpd
introspection agent of the Hyperic monitoring software).

What bannert coded was more than converting status -> json.
He build a bean framework that is extensible to any other httpd
module. It seems like that bean framework might even be a
candidate to move into the httpd core with 2.next?

As far as extentions, his most useful was the mod_bmx_vhost
plug in. Taking it to the next step, that module should be able
to shoot out a nice presentation table for mod_status users,
while folks inspecting the bmx json bean interface already get
these vhost-specific breakdowns.

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