On Mon, Dec 12, 2016 at 1:54 PM, William A Rowe Jr <wr...@rowe-clan.net> wrote:
>> The problem seems to be that `Headers always set` negates the header
>> removal, and the anti-recursion check doesn't seem to be working as
>> intended.
> By removal, I'm suggesting this should happen in the http output filter
> just as we are about to transmit them.
> So the header will be set, then it would then be un-set, but my issue
> is that I can't find the programatic pattern for apr_table_do to manipulate
> the elts, and even if it exists, apr_table_do will quit once the first bad
> elt
> is found and the callback first returns 0, preventing us from reviewing the
> remaining header lines.

We can loop over either apr_table_do or check_headers while they're
failing, as long as you are removing 1 header each time to make

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