So far, discussions are polarized on a single axis...

East: Let's work on 3.0; whatever is going on in 2.4 won't distract me, I
won't spend time reviewing enhancements, because 3.0 is the goal.

West: Let's keep the energy going on 2.4 enhancements, I won't spend time
on 3.0 usability because it isn't ready or necessary.

There is a disconnect, because 'East' folks can't actually put up with the
breakage introduced by enhancements they can't review on 2.4, but all feel
responsible to keeping 2.4 usable to EOL.

So I'd like to know, in light of a perpetual chain of (often build and/or
run-time breaking regression) enhancements, if there is support for a
2.4.24.x release chain during the 3.0 transition? And support for
potentially 3x backports to 2.4.x, 2.4.24.x and 2.2.x, of really serious
bug fixes?

It's clear this project doesn't agree, so the question twists to how we
agree to disagree.

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