On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 5:32 PM, William A Rowe Jr <wr...@rowe-clan.net> wrote:
>> +     So the only fix allowing us to use PCRE 10 in httpd 2.4 would be to 
>> write
>> +     this as a thread safe storage buffer for the majority of cases (<10 
>> $args)
>> +     and we don't have a portable tls mechanism to do so.

Don't we, apr_threadkey_private_*()?

> Does anyone have a good suggestion on this that would be back-portable
> and threadsafe for 2.4, before I surrender and make the trunk-only change
> to include the worker's/thread's pool for this reusable buffer tagged with a
> pooldata(m) in a new apr_pool_t * passed to the ap_regexec[_len] functions?

Maybe having the match_data in a TLS created with a reasonable size
(i.e. 50) on the first use?

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