On 01/11/2017 10:37 AM, Luca Toscano wrote:
I still haven't found any good/clear motivation to send the FCGI_ABORT
record (just before dropping the connection), but I am probably missing
some good point or my assumptions could be wrong. Any comment or
suggestion would be really welcome :)

My $0.02, copied from IRC for discussion on-list:

I don't think we should implement FCGI_ABORT until/unless we decide to implement FCGI multiplexing. I understand that the bug's OP is operating happily with an FCGI_ABORT patch, but until they respond to you to clarify what backend they're using, we don't know if their approach is correct even for their own use case.

I don't think we should send FCGI_ABORT and then immediately close the connection without waiting for the client to respond. In my mind, sending FCGI_ABORT is a contract: "we will accept and discard a reasonable number of messages for the current request ID while we wait for you to send FCGI_END_REQUEST".

I do think that closing the FCGI connection when the client closes theirs is valuable. Eric's suggestion on #httpd to hide this behind a directive is probably wise; we've broken enough FCGI backends recently...


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