On Wed, Oct 11, 2017 at 5:15 PM, William A Rowe Jr <wr...@rowe-clan.net> wrote:
>> +#define  NOT_IN_PROXY           0x40 /**< Forbidden in &lt;Proxy&gt; */
>> +/** Forbidden in
>> &lt;Directory&gt;/&lt;Location&gt;/&lt;Files&gt;&lt;If&gt;&lt;Proxy&gt;*/
>> +#define  NOT_IN_DIR_LOC_FILE
>> +/** Forbidden in
>> &lt;VirtualHost&gt;/&lt;Limit&gt;/&lt;Directory&gt;/&lt;Location&gt;/&lt;Files&gt;/&lt;If&gt;&lt;Proxy&gt;*/
>>  #define  GLOBAL_ONLY
> Reviewing this in much more depth yesterday ... this doesn't seem
> to be a minor MMN bump, so would not be backportable without some
> extra heavy lifting on 2.4 interop.
> A module previously compiled against 2.4 would not carry the newly
> correct definition of NOT_IN_DIR_LOC_FILE because all previously
> compiled modules are missing the 0x40 bit, right?

Hmm, right I suppose.

So provided a user updates core to 2.4.thispatch but does not
recompile some modules using NOT_IN_DIR_LOC_FILE or GLOBAL_ONLY
against it (which is valid), then the new core would allow such
defined directives in <Proxy context (looks like the only

That's because in the new ap_check_cmd_context(), this:
> +        || ((forbidden & NOT_IN_PROXY)
> +            && ((found = find_parent(..., "<Proxy"))
> +                || (found = find_parent(..., "<ProxyMatch"))))) {
>          return apr_pstrcat(cmd->pool, cmd->cmd->name, gt,
>                             " cannot occur within ", found->directive,
>                             "> section", NULL);
wouldn't match.

Thus, how about if there, for 2.4.x only (i.e. backport patch), we'd
instead check for:
> +        || (((forbidden & NOT_IN_PROXY)
> +             || (forbidden & NOT_IN_DIR_LOC_FILE) == NOT_IN_DIR_LOC_FILE
> +             || (forbidden & GLOBAL_ONLY) == GLOBAL_ONLY)
> +            && ((found = ...)
> +                || ...)))

ISTM that it's strictly equivalent, without the compatibility caveat.

Does it work for you?

> That would be the definition of an MMN major bump, previously
> compiled modules require recompilation.

Yeah, we don't want that in 2.4.x, but SSLProxy* directives per
<Proxy> sections yes :)
At least I am, and will try ;)

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