On Sun, 2018-01-28 at 08:31 -0500, Yehuda Katz wrote:
> HTTPD doesn't see the tags in the file at all. The way the file is
> processed is determined by which Handler you set in the
> configuration: 
> https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/handler.html
> To have your <?mystuff tag sent to the correct Handler, you would
> probably use your own file extension, for example index.mystuff, and
> in your configuration, add AddHandler mystuff-handler .mystuff

A handler to parse file contents is actually a poor choice.
You use an output filter.

Relevant examples in the current codebase include mod_includes,
which parses tags in a manner similar to what the OP seems to
envisage, and mod_proxy_html which uses a markup-aware parser
that feeds each <...> as an event to your registered callback.
Either of those modules would be a startingpoint to look at.

Nick Kew

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