William A Rowe Jr in gmane.comp.apache.devel (Thu, 15 Mar 2018 13:52:48
>The largest headache is provisioning the entire suite of non-default perl
>modules required. Running the framework is trivial. I've been working on
>some workaround to this for unix and windows for "stock" test boxes.

Any chance to make this publicly available? To give you an idea,
ImageMagick does a fairly standard Perl install on Appveyor:
They are downloading

And install it, using chocolatey

Could something like this be extended to install the non-standard
modules as well? If this is not possible using the msi-installer, would
a self-extracting exe be another way?

>With that resolved, just about anyone in the windows community should
>easily build and test when they will, against release, candidate, snapshot
>or bleed.

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