> I may be an odd-ball that I want to manage this kind of a setup but I
> think that if you can build one application, you can build more. They
> happily live separated into /usr/local on RHEL7...

Can, does not necessarily imply should.

From an end-user perspective, the less work I need to do for the desired 
outcome, the better.  For each and every application I compile, I take 
responsibility for all related maintenance.  If I just link against the distro 
versions of libraries, I don't incur an ongoing cost beyond applying standard 
distro patches.  If I build an openssl library from source, I also need to stay 
on top of all security related patches to that library that a distro would 
typically manage for me.  Under RHEL6, I count 52 releases of openssl-1.0.1# in 
the changelog.  That is far from trivial, especially compared to 
httpd/apr/apr-util that seem to only *need* around 1-2 updates rounds per year 
to deal with security issues, etc.

In this case, since you are already maintaining an OpenSSL port and keeping 
that current, I assume this sunk cost basically looks free to you from the 
httpd perspective?  If so, I would agree that there's little benefit to NOT 
using your latest openssl package version in the same repo/tree, as that's 
going to be available to your users and similarly supported.  However, the 
latest distro supported version available for a large number of servers is a 
patched 1.0.1e (RHEL6, which ships with httpd 2.2.15).

Rick Houser
Web Engineer

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bernard Spil [mailto:br...@freebsd.org]
> Sent: Monday, March 19, 2018 13:23
> To: dev@httpd.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Poll: increase OpenSSL version requirement for trunk?
> Naturally, there was something I saw in the archives I want to react
> upon, even if not a vote...
> I am also the maintainer of the OpenSSL (and LibreSSL) ports for
> FreeBSD and am the author of many patches for LibreSSL, No-SSLv2,
> No-SSLv3 for upstream projects.
> I was searching for the rationale to provide a version of Apache which
> is newer than what you get from your Operating System.
> Obviously, there _is_ a need to have something newer than your OS,
> e.g. Apache 2.4.6 on RHEL 7 is missing too many features.
> When you are smart enough to be able to build your own Apache httpd,
> are you not also smart enough to build all dependencies?
> FWIW: I manage, to my dismay, 2 Apache front-end servers acting as
> reverse proxy on RHEL7. When I ran into update problems with the
> Base-OS I decided that I would just build the whole stack (from zlib
> upwards) from the ground up.
> If you would want mod_http2 you are in trouble on these old systems in
> all cases, curl with HTTP/2 support? libnghttp2 in your repos?
> Managing multiple versions of OpenSSL is already a head-ache. For 1.1
> you need compat shims or lots of ifdefs, 1.1.1 (currently -pre2) will
> only add to that...
> I may be an odd-ball that I want to manage this kind of a setup but I
> think that if you can build one application, you can build more. They
> happily live separated into /usr/local on RHEL7...
> Cheers, Bernard.

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