2018-03-26 11:35 GMT+02:00 Nick Kew <n...@apache.org>:

> > As hackathon project it could be good to review some of those
> older-than-2011 tasks and see which ones are good to keep and which ones
> can be closed for no-activity/stale/not-valid-anymore/etc..
> Good idea.  Deal collectively with some of those judgement-calls that
> stump a solo bug-blitz.
> What we perhaps also need is a review of our bugzilla categories and
> workflow.
> For example, sometimes a PR is submitted with a proposed patch likely to
> be useful
> for some but not appropriate for inclusion in standard HTTPD.  I’ve always
> left those
> open, which leaves them as not-bugs in the bugzilla count.  Maybe we could
> deal
> with those with a new RESOLVED category (RESOLVED-PATCH?) and update the
> docs to invite users to search patch-bugs?
We could also use http://www.apache.org/dist/httpd/patches/ to collect
those, and then link them in bugzilla closing the task (one should be able
to find them if searching etc...). Those patches would get stale very soon
though, so not sure what's best; ideally a patch is either accepted or not,
and the correspondent task eventually closed to avoid polluting whoever is
triaging/resolving the open ones :)


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