Hi Stéphane,

sorry for the delay.

> On 03/07/2018 22:57, Stéphane Blondon wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > `apachectl -t` checks the configuration files. The documentation
> > explains it's not complete.
> > It seems paths (for DocumentRoot for example) or the write access for
> > log directory are not checked. (tested with apache v.2.4.25.)
> >
> > Are you interested by such a feature?

Sure, improvements are always welcome!

> > If I understand the code properly, the check is done by
> > ap_run_test_config(), called in main.c. However, I don't find the
> > definition of the function in the httpd-2.4.33 archive.

apr_run_*() functions run the hooks registered with ap_hook_*(), so
you may want to search for "test_config" in the sources and see how
such functions are implemented/hooked (and how hooks mechanism work in
general for that case).
Then possibly add your code in one of the hooks or create a new hook
if that fits better.

> >
> > I have no idea if I have the skills to implement that in C but I can
> > look for it.



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